
Monday, 13 June 2016

Sun Pharma enters dermatology segment to expand retail offering

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd said on Wednesday it had entered the dermatology segment as part of an initiative to further expand its retail offerings.

The world's fifth biggest generic drug maker launched a new dermatology product - Suncros - a sunscreen brand which was earlier available only as a branded prescription product.

The product will form the fourth part of its global consumer healthcare business vertical which currently markets dietary supplements, analgesics and antacids.
The company also said it was evaluating options to grow the vertical further through new product categories and acquisitions.

Teva : Largest Plant In Hungary Placed on FDA import alert list

Teva’s largest sterile medicines plant in Hungary placed on FDA import alert list

Teva Pharmaceutical’s facility in Hungary was placed on the US Food and Drug Administration’s import alert list. The action was taken after an FDA inspection found that the plant was not conforming to the current good manufacturing practices (GMPs). All drugs produced by the finished dosage forms facility – barring antibiotics Amikacin and Bleomycin – have been placed on the import alert list.

Teva had commissioned the US $ 110 million plant in Gödöllő, Hungary, in 2012. At the time, Teva had announced that the facility was one of the largest sterile medicines plants in the world. The plant has an annual production capacity of 160 to 200 million units of injectables and the six production lines can produce six different products simultaneously.  It supplies medicines to patients in over 70 countries in Europe, North America, and the Far East.

The FDA import alert is bad news for Teva and comes at a time when investors believe the US $ 41 billion it paid for Allergan’s generic business was too high a price.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Proud to be indian

India is a land of diversity. We are home to more than a hundred different languages and have a history that goes back thousands of years. Over the period, we have made discoveries that have changed the course of the world's history. Here's a small reminder of why India is special.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Sharing........ An Incredible Power

There was a farmer who grew excellent quality corn.......Every year he won the award for the best grown corn.

One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it.

The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors..........“How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?” the reporter asked.

“Why sir,” said the farmer, “Didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn.”

So is with our lives...... Those who want to live meaningfully and well must help enrich the lives of others, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches.

It's the same with successful people, they share their path to success to their fellow people so they can also become successful people.

True Leadership shares knowledge and leadership skills with their team members so new leaders are created.  True Leadership creates legacy that's is carried on down the line and is perennial.

And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all...

-Call it power of collectivity...
-Call it a principle of success...
-Call it a principle of leadership, motivational and team building....
-Call it a law of life.

The Fact Is, None of Us Truly Wins, Until We All Win!!

Monday, 6 June 2016

Transforming India : अब एयरपोर्ट पर भारतीयों को परेशान नहीं करेगा अमेरिका

अमेरिका में चुनिंदा एयरपोर्ट पर भारतीयों के प्रवेश को सुगम बनाए जाने को ध्यान में रखते हुए भारत और अमेरिका ने एक समझौता पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ताकि सुरक्षा संबंधी मंजूरी शीघ्र मुहैया कराई जा सके। भारत नौंवा ऐसा देश है जिसके साथ अमेरिका ने इंटरनैशनल एक्स्पीडिटेड ट्रैवलर इनिशिएटिव जिसे वैश्विक प्रवेश कार्यक्रम के रूप में भी जाना जाता है पर समझौता किया है। 

यह दुनिया के दो सबसे बड़े लोकतांत्रिक देशों के बीच मजबूत होते संबंधों का प्रतिबिम्ब है। इसे लागू होने में अभी कुछ महीने लगेंगे और पहले से मंजूरी प्राप्त करने वाले ऐसे भारतीय यात्रियों के लिए अमेरिका में चुनिंदा एयरपोर्ट पर शीघ्र सुरक्षा मंजूरी मुहैया कराई जाएगी जिन्हें लेकर कम जोखिम है। अमेरिका में भारत के राजदूत अरुण के सिंह और अमेरिकी कस्टम्स ऐंड बॉर्डर प्रोटेक्शन के कमिश्नर केविन के मैकेलीनान के बीच समझौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए गए। 

एक विज्ञप्ति में कहा गया, 'दोनों देशों की संयुक्त जांच एवं मंजूरी के बाद स्वीकृति प्राप्त भारतीय यात्रियों को अमेरिका में चुनिंदा एयरपोर्ट पर स्वचालित बूथों के जरिए अमेरिका में शीघ्र प्रवेश की सुविधा मुहैया कराई जाएगी।' इसमें कहा गया है कि संबंधित प्रक्रिया आगामी महीनों में पूरी होने की उम्मीद है। अरुण के. सिंह ने समझौता पत्र हस्ताक्षर समारोह में कहा, 'इस कार्यक्रम के तहत अमेरिकी एयरपोर्ट पर भारतीय यात्रियों के लिए शीघ्र प्रवेश से पर्यटन संबंधी वातावरण और सहज बनेगा और इसके दोनों देशों के लोगों के बीच सभी प्रकार के आपसी संपर्कों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ेगा।' 
सिंह ने कहा कि अमेरिका के साथ द्विपक्षीय संबंध के मामले में प्रधानमंत्री का यह दृष्टिकोण रहा है कि दोनों देशों के लोगों के बीच आपसी संबंध मजबूत बनाए जाए। उन्होंने कहा, 'भारत सरकार ने पिछले दो सालों में कई पहल की हैं ताकि अमेरिका से भारत की यात्रा सुगम बनाई जा सके। इन पहलों में लंबी अवधि के वीजा जारी करना और अमेरिकी नागरिकों के लिए इलेक्ट्रॉनिक-यात्री वीजा मुहैया कराना शामिल है।' 
सिंह ने कहा, 'वैश्विक प्रवेश कार्यक्रम में भारत का प्रवेश दोनों देशों के बीच यात्रा को और सुगम बनाएगा और लोगों के आपसी संबंधों को मजबूत करेगा।' उन्होंने कहा कि अमेरिका में भारतीय मूल के 30 लाख से अधिक लोग रहते हैं जिनके भारत के साथ गहरे संबंध हैं। सिंह ने कहा, 'हम देखते हैं कि पेशेवर, कारोबार, पर्यटन और शिक्षण समेत विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से जुडे हमारे 10 लाख से अधिक नागरिक हर वर्ष दोनों ओर से आ-जा रहे हैं। इस पहल से इन यात्रियों को सीधा लाभ होगा।'

Amendment In ICH GCP Guideline

   The International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) has amended its good clinical practice (GCP) guideline with the aim of helping industry address the increasing scale, complexity and cost of clinica trials.

The evolving use of technology and new risk management processes offer opportunities to increase efficiency, ICH says. The updated guideline is intended to provide a unified standard for the regulatory authorities in the EU, Japan, US, Canada and Switzerland to facilitate the mutual acceptance of clinical data.
"This guideline has been amended to encourage implementation of improved and more efficient approaches to clinical trial design, conduct, oversight, recording and reporting while continuing to ensure human subject protection and data integrity," the amended guideline says. "Standards regarding electronic records and essential documents intended to increase clinical trial quality and efficiency have also been updated."

Quality Management

The longest addendum to the guideline is centered on a sponsor's quality management, which includes the efficient design of trial protocols, data collection tools and procedures, and the collection of data essential to decision making.
The broad ICH recommendations call on sponsors to identify processes and data "that are critical to assure human subject protection and the reliability of study results." And as for risks, ICH says they should be considered at both the system level (e.g., facilities, standard operating procedures, computerized systems, personnel, vendors) and clinical trial level (e.g., investigational product, trial design, data collection and recording).
Risks should be evaluated by considering: (a) the likelihood of errors occurring, given existing risk controls; (b) the impact of such errors on human subject protection and data integrity; and (c) the extent to which such errors would be detectable.

Trial Monitoring

In addition to quality management, sponsors should develop a systematic, prioritized, risk-based approach to monitoring clinical trials, ICH says. The group advocates for a flexible approach intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of monitoring.
"A combination of on-site and centralized monitoring activities may be appropriate," though sponsors "should document the rationale for the chosen monitoring strategy," ICH says.
As far as why centralized monitoring processes are important, ICH says they can complement and reduce the extent and/or frequency of on-site monitoring by such methods as:  Routine review of submitted data; identification of missing data, inconsistent data, data outliers or unexpected lack  of variability and protocol deviations that may be indicative of systematic or  significant errors in data collection and reporting at a site or across sites;  using statistical analyses to identify data trends such as the range and consistency of data within and across sites; and analyzing site characteristics and performance metrics.

Other Addenda

ICH also updated the guideline, among other topics, on the responsibilities for supervising any delegated or outsourced study tasks conducted at a trial site, as well as how to maintain adequate and accurate source documents and trial records.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Explanatory Note on the Withdrawal of ICH Q1F for the ICH Website

                ICH Q1 F Stability Data Package for Registration Applications in Climatic Zones III and IV defined storage conditions for stability testing in countries located in Climatic Zones III (hot and dry) and IV (hot and humid), i.e. countries not located in the ICH regions and not covered by ICH Q1 A (R2) Stability Testing for New Drug Substances and Drug Products. ICH Q1 F described harmonised global stability testing requirements in order to facilitate access to medicines by reducing the number of different storage conditions. In the course of the discussions which led to the development of the guideline, WHO conducted a survey amongst their member states to find consensus on 30°C/65% RH as the long-term storage conditions for hot and humid regions. As no significant objections were raised in this survey, 30°C/65% RH was defined as the long-term storage condition for Climatic Zone III/IV countries in ICH Q1F. The document was adopted by the ICH Steering Committee in February 2003 and subsequently implemented in the ICH regions.

However, based on new calculations and discussions, some countries in Climatic Zone IV have expressed their wish to include a larger safety margin for medicinal products to be marketed in their region than foreseen in ICH Q1F. As a consequence, several countries and regions have revised their own stability testing guidelines, defining up to 30°C/75 % RH as the long-term storage conditions for hot and humid regions. Due to this divergence in global stability testing requirements, the ICH Steering Committee has decided to withdraw ICH Q1F and to leave definition of storage conditions in Climatic Zones III and IV to the respective regions and WHO.

In assessing the impact of the withdrawal of ICH Q1F on intermediate testing conditions defined in ICH Q1A (R2), the decision was reached to retain 30°C/65%RH. However, regulatory authorities in the ICH regions have agreed that the use of more stringent humidity conditions such as 30°C/75% RH will be acceptable should the applicant decide to use them.